Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Fancy Nancy

Nancy Pelosi sits by the fire as if she lit the match. Stands up and claps at the all too obvious, too much. Poor Biden has to get up with her. The gaffe machine's knee's are weak! The vice emperor has no clothes. I voted for's a shame the Republicans want to ruin him in spite of our nation.

Fancy Nancy and her famalia own a tuna fish processing plant. Shhh...nobody knows about it. I have been there and spent more time there than she has. It's located in American Samoa. The locals in AS make about $4.00 an hour. What's worse is that Charlie Tuna drags workers from Samoa which is not a U.S. territory to work there. They are paid $2.50 an hour. When I met with the workers they smelled of fish was in there pores and the gums of their mouths. The island of AS cannot be utilized for tourism because all of the fish guts that are thrown away into the harbors attract sharks. Nobody can use the beaches. The corruption is rampant there! The only prosperous business is one McDonalds and the churches of numerous in cash. There is a mandatory "tithing" plus donation policy in every community. A funny story on the lone McDonalds is that they had a special called the "Hunger Buster"....consisted of a Big Mac, 1/4 Pounder and large fries and a drink. I think it was $7.50?

I love the Samoan people and their culture. They were gracious to me. I oppose Pelosi and her smarmy smile. She is a slave labor baroness. Look into it.

There is no media outlet to send this to. There is no centrist's one or the other, and we're screwed. The country is run by J.P. Morgan, Rothschildes and Rupurt Murdoch. Did you know the Federal Reserve is not a U.S. government entity? It's run by ten member banks that are privately owned, guess who they are? More to follow...........
Volume 1 - February 25, 2009

I think I follow politics and the economy as close as my grandparents did, and that is saying something. My grandfather was the Mayor of Brisbane, CA and there were only 3 TV stations....they consisted of mostly ABC Sports, the Lawrence Welk Show and CBS Evening News. There wasn't a lot of things on TV to take your attention from the events of the day, local and afar. My grandfather always told us we were going to have another depression soon. Now he was saying that in the 1970's to 1990's.....and sure, it's not a long shot prediction, but he was emphatic about it. We used to say "oh yeah grandpa"...whatever. He told us of the depression era stories, how he befriended Al Capone when Al created the unemployment soup kitchens to gain public support in Chicago. How hamburgers were a nickel and when you couldn't afford that, you sat at the diner and ordered a hot cup of add ketchup that sat on the table for tomato soup.

So as I look as I survey the land from atop the hill, I see a lot of tomato soup and very few "happy meals" be continued.